We create lasting value
By promoting responsible and sustainable business practices.
Annual non-financial report 2023
ESG progress 2024
3 Sustainability-linked products
10.0+ mln km commuted on pure electricity
450tCO2 compensated through the green projects
1500+ E-motorcycles financed
60,000+ global consumers educated on financial literacy
20%+ of the Group's portfolio serves the self-employed and SMEs
55% out of all employees are women
Continuous sustainability reporting framework
Best Investor Relations in Nasdaq Baltic First North list in 2023
Our latest impact news
Carbon offsetting
The Group engaged in carbon offsetting campaigns organized by Carbon Footprint Ltd to compensate for the entire carbon footprint (114 tCO2) arising from the operations of its HQs in Riga and Vilnius. For the consecutive year, the Group co-financed the reforestation of the Great Rift Valley in Kenya, while for the first time, it participated in the Northern Ethiopia Community Safe Water project, aiming to provide clean water to local communities of Amhara National Regional State.

ESG goals for 2025
Climate impact monitoring and data collection system in place.
Climate neutrality of administrative operations.
User-friendly tools for measuring vehicle CO2 emissions.
At least 8-hour professional development training for employees per year.
Infrastructure for healthy work-life balance.
Fair and equal internal progression of employees with 10% vacant management positions occupied by employees.
Minimized gender pay gap.
Employee recommendation score (eNPS) at >50.
Public programs and tools to improve the financial literacy of at least 500,000 people.
Gender diversity in senior leadership roles (44-45% female).
Structured ESG framework in place.
Key suppliers assessed according to ESG criteria
Alignment with UN SDGs

Contribution of Eleving Group to the achievement of the SDGs:
Provide Mandatory Health Checks; continue to offer and pay for health insurance for staff.